Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Rho Nu Chapter


About Us

The Radiant Rho Nu Chapter was chartered on November 15th, 1987 on the campus of Old Dominion University. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated aims to foster the ideals of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and finer womanhood. We are one out of the nine historically African American organizations on the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and we are elated that you have ventured to our site, and we hope that you find the content here to be informative and helpful.









Members Benefits

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated provides its members with the benefits of developing professionally and personally while promoting and sisterhood. Our members are active in their respective communities and hold dear the ideals of Service, Scholarship, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

What Drives Us

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated was founded on Friday, January 16th, 1920 on the campus of Howard University in Washington D.C, by our five illustrious pearls Arizona Cleaver Stemons, Pearl Anna Neal, Myrtle Tyler Faithful, Viola Tyler Goings, and Fannie Pettie Watts.


To exceed exponentially within  various institutions. To develop women and aid in their possession of modesty, the strength of character, and pride in academic achievement.


Lending a helping hand to all of man-kind. Creating programs that will further the development of not only ourselves but our community as well.

Sisterhood & Finer Womanhood

To demonstrate the true meaning of sisterhood and to grow with one another. We aim to set a standard for Sisterly Love and to define the noble concept of Finer Womanhood