Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development.









Members Benefits

Networking: It's not always what you know. Many times it's who you know. Joining SHPE gives countless opportunities to connect on a local, regional, and national level making you a member of our familia. And just like family, we're here when you need us. We love to say, #SHPEforLife! Resume Building: Involvement in your student chapter looks great on your resume. SHPE's brand and stellar reputation among leading STEM companies means that when they see you're a SHPE member, they can rest assure you will be equipped with the skills and tools needed to be a truly great employee. Mentorship: Mentorship is another way SHPE ensures you're not alone in your studies or career. SHPE can pair you with a professional mentor who wants to help guide and challenge you to reach your full potential. You can never have enough role models and connections in STEM! Skill Development:: Chapter involvement allows you to build and hone skills you may not be exposed to in the classroom. Whether it's event planning, program execution, networking, or public speaking, you'll grow as a leader and future scientist, mathematician or engineer. Career Advancement: SHPE's Career Center is the leading online career hub and job board for Hispanic STEM professionals, serving more than 36,000 members. It's where candidates go to find the right jobs and where employers go to find highly-qualified STEM talent. Start your career anytime, anywhere. Wherever you are in the country, there's probably a SHPE chapter nearby. Hundreds of community colleges, colleges, and universities already have SHPE chapters. And if your school hasn't established a chapter yet, we'll help you get one off the ground.

Events & Activities

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Meeting new students with shared interest

Our Team




Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Old Dominion University
Norfolk VA 23529
United States